Life of a Craphead

Video work by Life of a Craphead
(This video has been archived post-exhbition in accordance with the artwork's distribution rights.)

About Life of Craphead

Life of a Craphead is a “pilot” for a proposed auto-fictional comedy TV show. The pilot stars Amy Lam and Jon McCurley, the duo that makes up Life of a Craphead, re-enacting funny and/or painful situations that they have experienced, alongside documentary footage. The project explores themes of community, race, class—all of which are potently expressed in the contradictions of art and the art world.

The pilot starts with documentary footage of us hosting a performance art show, “Doored”—this shows us working with our friends and captures a slice of what artistic community might look like. We then see Amy at her workplace, a prominent art book publisher, where she struggles with a project that blindly celebrates canonical European art. Meanwhile, Jon encounters a chain of unfortunate problems while trying to borrow a single microphone for Tea Base, a queer Asian community arts space in Chinatown. Finally, Amy has dinner with her sister, who works in banking and is worried about their parents’ retirement plans.